Rename Proposal

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 01/12-19 12:04
Klaus Meinhard
Klaus Meinhard
Posts: 3
I want to rename a group of filenames as follows:

Number - Title with spaces - Author's name with spaces.ext ---> Number - Author's name with spaces - Title with spaces.ext

Using " - " as boundary marker, the Swap method doesn't work, because it swaps only 2 blocks.
Using RegEx is quite clumsy and time consuming to write.

I propose a tag <Block n>, where Block is delimited by a user defined divider.

So renaming the above example, using " - " as divider, would become

<Block 1> - <Block 3> - <Block 2>.ext

01/12-19 12:04
#2 : 01/12-19 12:25
David Lee
David Lee
Posts: 1125
I fail to understand why you consider...

Replace: - (.*) - (.*)
with: - \2 - \1

to be overly "clumsy and time consuming to write"!

01/12-19 12:25
#3 : 01/12-19 12:37
Klaus Meinhard
Klaus Meinhard
Posts: 3
Reply to #2:

'cause I don't know much RegEx and it is time consuming für me to research :-)

RegEx is more versatile, of course. My method would be easier for the beginner.

Very quick answer. Thanks. And very helpful :-)

01/12-19 12:37
#4 : 01/12-19 21:01
David Lee
David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #3:
I should point out that I am just a user, like yourself, and I didn't know either ANY RegEx or JavaScript when I first came across this excellent program.

The solution to your problem does not require any time consuming research - just look at the User Guide where Kim has helpfully explained the exact method:

See section: "A more advanced example".

01/12-19 21:01
#5 : 02/12-19 09:15
Klaus Meinhard
Klaus Meinhard
Posts: 3
Reply to #4:

Okay, will do.

For the author:

YAt every start of AR I get an acess violation at address at 0040B99F in module ARen.exe. Tead of address 00000071.

For the author: Perhaps a little spell checking of this site would enhance trust? See "expresion" in the link above, "log int" for log in etc.

02/12-19 09:15 - edited 02/12-19 09:40
#6 : 05/12-19 16:31
David Lee
David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #3:
New Name: <Substr:1: -> -<RSubstr:1:-> - <Substr:- : -> also works

05/12-19 16:31