Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 20/11-20 20:03
Matt Gorner
Matt Gorner
Posts: 6
Hi All

I wrote a script to take my photo / video backups from my iPhone and organise them into the following structure:

YEAR (Folder)

It also checks for incorrect Epoch dates (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time) which I've had happen on some older iPhone backups.

The script will try and use the more reliable tags for the date first, in order:

<Img Year> = Date photo taken EXIF data

<ExifTool:DateTimeOriginal> = Date photo taken EXIF data (HEIC photos)

<ExifTool:MediaCreateDate> = Date media was created EXIF data

<ExifTool:TrackCreateDate> = Date media was created EXIF data

<ExifTool:DateCreated> = Date file was created

<Year Created> = Date file was created

I've commented the code so you should be able to re-structure it to suit your own preferred folder and filename structure, hope that helps someone out there!


P.S. Improvements to the script are welcome!



Photo Organisation Script
Matt Gorner
20 November 2020

Organises photos / videos into the following structure:

YEAR (Folder)

When finding the correct date, we try these tags in order of preference (most to least reliable):

<Img Year> = Date photo taken EXIF data

<ExifTool:DateTimeOriginal> = Date photo taken EXIF data (HEIC photos)

<ExifTool:MediaCreateDate> = Date media was created EXIF data

<ExifTool:TrackCreateDate> = Date media was created EXIF data

<ExifTool:DateCreated> = Date file was created

<Year Created> = Date file was created


// Set unique numbering start value (1)
var numbering = app.parseTags('_<Inc Nr:1>');

// To build our final paths and filename
var folder;
var fileName;

// Start with the least preferred option as a fallback (as this can be wrong) but it's always available
var year = app.parseTags('<Year Created>');
var month = app.parseTags('<Month Created>');
var day = app.parseTags('<Day Created>');

// Try the Year Taken tag first
var imgYearTaken = app.parseTags('<Img Year>');

// Does it exist?
if( imgYearTaken )
// Yes, then the month and day must be there too
year = imgYearTaken;
month = app.parseTags('<Img Month:00>');
day = app.parseTags('<Img Day>');

// Sometimes the EXIF date can be wrong and shows the Epoch date (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time) - had this happen with bad iPhone backups
if( year == "1969" )

// Looks like a bad date, attempt to get the photo EXIF data 'DateTimeOriginal' (Needed for HEIC files)
var exifToolDateTimeOriginal = app.parseTags('<ExifTool:DateTimeOriginal>');

if( exifToolDateTimeOriginal )
// We need to parse the ExifTool:DateTimeOriginal string to break out the year, month and day.

// ExifTool returns the following YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS, once parsed by app.parseTags it becomes YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS
// We can use the string function .split to separate each entry into an array using the underscore as the delimiter

var DateTimeOriginalArray = exifToolDateTimeOriginal.split("_");

// Now we can grab all the parts we need (array indices start at 0)
year = DateTimeOriginalArray[0];
month = DateTimeOriginalArray[1];
day = DateTimeOriginalArray[2];


// The year is STILL bad, so let's keep trying other methods to find the correct date
if( year == "1969" )
// Try the media creation date
var exifToolMediaCreateDate = app.parseTags('<ExifTool:MediaCreateDate>');

if( exifToolMediaCreateDate )
// Parsing is the same as above
var MediaCreateDateArray = exifToolMediaCreateDate.split("_");

year = MediaCreateDateArray[0];
month = MediaCreateDateArray[1];
day = MediaCreateDateArray[2];

// STILL stuck in the past!
if( year == "1969" )
// Try track creation date
var exifToolTrackCreateDate = app.parseTags('<ExifTool:TrackCreateDate>');

if( exifToolTrackCreateDate )
var TrackCreateDateArray = exifToolTrackCreateDate.split("_");

year = TrackCreateDateArray[0];
month = TrackCreateDateArray[1];
day = TrackCreateDateArray[2];

// Nope, still wrong!
if( year == "1969" )
// Try profile creation date
var exifToolProfileDateTime = app.parseTags('<ExifTool:ProfileDateTime>');

if( exifToolProfileDateTime )
var ProfileDateTimeArray = exifToolProfileDateTime.split("_");

year = ProfileDateTimeArray[0];
month = ProfileDateTimeArray[1];
day = ProfileDateTimeArray[2];

// Last try using EXIFTool's date created before falling back to the Windows date created
if( year == "1969" )
// The only thing left to try is the date the file was created
var exifToolDateCreated = app.parseTags('<ExifTool:DateCreated>');

if( exifToolDateCreated )
// We need to parse the ExifTool:MediaCreateDate string to break out the year, month and day.
// ExifTool returns the following YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS, once parsed by app.parseTags it becomes YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS
// We can use the string function .split to separate each entry into an array using the underscore as the delimiter
var DateCreatedArray = exifToolDateCreated.split("_");

// Now we can grab all the parts we need (array indices start at 0)
year = DateCreatedArray[0];
month = DateCreatedArray[1];
day = DateCreatedArray[2];

// Now we have our Year, Month and Day tags, let's append the GPS Data

// Does the file has GPS EXIF data?
if(item.gpsExists == true)
// Yes, so let's organise our files like so:
// Year (Folder)
// Year-Month-Day-State_City_Number

folder = year;
fileName = year + "-" + month + "-" + day + app.parseTags('-<GPS Country>_<GPS State>_<GPS City>') + numbering;

// No GPS data, so let's organise our files like so:
// Year (Folder)
// Year-Month-Day_Number
folder = year;
fileName = year + "-" + month + "-" + day + numbering;

// When choosing an output folder in Advanced Renamer's GUI, it doesn't add a folder seperator on the end.
// If we were to just add our folder on the end of the output path, the files won't be placed into the correct folder

// So let's check the output path has a folder seperator on the end (/ or \) (user could have entered it manually)
// Get the last character of the item.newPath variable
var LastChar = item.newPath.substring(item.newPath.length - 1, item.newPath.length);

// Check for / or \
if(LastChar === "/" || LastChar === "\\")
// Yes, it did, so set our new item output path: OUTPUTPATH + FOLDER + \
item.newPath = item.newPath + folder + "\\";
// No it didn't, so set our new item output path: OUTPUTPATH + \ + FOLDER + \
item.newPath = item.newPath + "\\" + folder + "\\";

// Pass back new filename
return fileName;

20/11-20 20:03
#2 : 20/11-20 20:04
Matt Gorner
Matt Gorner
Posts: 6
No clue why the post title on the main screen is all jacked up!

20/11-20 20:04