Use inverse numbering?

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 14/06-13 16:56
Philip Eldracher
Philip Eldracher
Posts: 1
Is it possible with the software to rename all the files in a folder with the inverse numbering? They already all have the same name, and are numbered (01, 02, 03, etc.), but in the wrong order.

I have a book which someone scanned from the back to the front instead of the front to the back, and am wondering if I can do a batch rename where the numbering would become reversed?

Appreciate the help, and am quite glad I found the software; I have renamed far too many files manually.

Philip E.

14/06-13 16:56
#2 : 15/06-13 06:45
Posts: 274
Reply to #1:

my post from last night was not stored.

So in short:
1) add your files in order 1,2,3
2) click at the header of the Filename column to sort descending 3,2,1
3) Remove 2 backwards starting at 1
4) Add '<Inc Nr:01>' at index 0 backwards

15/06-13 06:45
#3 : 15/06-13 09:32
Posts: 274
Reply to #2:

CLCL to the rescue:

Reply to #1:

Delete origin numbering.
Add new numbering from last to first file.

Name TEst 01.ext
Name TESt 02.ext
Name TEST 03.ext

Name TEST 01.ext
Name TESt 02.ext
Name TEst 03.ext

USE this steps:

Be sure to have a backup or at least work on copies of your real files.

0) While having your files loaded and in correct order:
Name TEst 01.ext
Name TESt 02.ext
Name TEST 03.ext

1) click at the column header to sort descending
Name TEST 03.ext
Name TESt 02.ext
Name TEst 01.ext

2) Remove 2 backwards starting at 1
Name TEST .ext
Name TESt .ext
Name TEst .ext

3) Add '<Inc Nr:01>' at index 0 backwards
Name TEST 01.ext
Name TESt 02.ext
Name TEst 03.ext

Review the New Filename column.
Start Batch

15/06-13 09:32