renaming doesn't work tthe second time used

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 21/04-14 23:20
Ron Hardesty
Ron Hardesty
Posts: 1
I installed AR worked with the methods and every thing worked the first time. I went to use it a 2nd time and the methods were in the new name window. the name is blank on the results. the ext is there because I never replaced it.

BTW I followed the instructions for renaming pictures on the website. It still doesn't work. here is the method line I used: <Img Year><Img Month><Img Day><Img Hour><Img Min><Img Sec>

I'd appreciate any assistance!


21/04-14 23:20
#2 : 22/04-14 21:29
Kim Jensen
Kim Jensen
Posts: 883
Reply to #1:
Are you able to take a screenshot of the program when it is not working and send it to me by email? Then I can take a look at it.

22/04-14 21:29