Renumber Method Unintended Consequences

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 16/08-14 15:23
Posts: 2
I am trying to rename my music files by adding a numbered sequence in front like 002537 Styx - Lord of the Rings so i can import the files to my streaming device that will play the song by punching in the number. The problem is the Renumber Method removes any number at the beginning of the file name so '2 pac' is now 'pac' and '3OH!3' is now 'OH!3'.

I tried placing an 'add' method with a space before or after the renumber method but it has no effect no matter where I insert the space (other than actually creating a space but it does not restore the removed number in the filename).

How can I get it to add a sequential number but ignore numbers already in the filename?

16/08-14 15:23
#2 : 16/08-14 15:41
Posts: 2
Reply to #1:
OK. Solved. I dug a little deeper in the help files and found that renumber was the wrong way to go. New Name method with a little tweaking worked perfectly.

16/08-14 15:41