Enhancement Requests: Show the loaded method name / Default filename on "Save"

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 23/04-15 20:02
Sailor Guy
Sailor Guy
Posts: 40
I submitted these enhancement requests back in Sept 2012...

I have well over a dozen different AREN method files and it would be great to know which one I have loaded.

When you load a saved method, it would be nice to display the name of the saved method in the title bar or the command toolbar.

For example:

Title bar: Advanced Renamer 3.65 (Method: MCD-File-Rename-Based-on-DirName.aren)

Command Toolbar: ... Undo Previous Batch / Start Batch (Method: MCD-File-Rename-Based-on-DirName.aren)

It would also be nice that when you click the "Save" button that it defaults to the loaded method name rather than displaying a list of all AREN files in the BatchMethods folder that I then have to manually pick. A couple times I accidentally picked the wrong AREN file and overwrote the wrong file.

Thanks for considering these 2 fairly simple but useful enhancements.


Sailor Guy

23/04-15 20:02