Feature Request: Level attribute and Seperator attribute for the DirName tag

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 26/07-11 10:40
Dean Kruger
Dean Kruger
Posts: 6
Change Tag to <DirName Level Seperator>

If my path is c: - users - deanable - desktop - textfile.txt

Using <DirName 2 _> would output deanable_desktop
Using <DirName 3 -> would output users-deanable-desktop

Great Software !!!

26/07-11 10:40 - edited 26/07-11 10:44
#2 : 26/07-11 19:35
Kim Jensen
Kim Jensen
Posts: 883
Reply to #1:
I'm sorry I don't understand what you want the software to do.

26/07-11 19:35
#3 : 03/08-11 22:06
Dean Kruger
Dean Kruger
Posts: 6
Reply to #2:

The <DirName> tag renames a file / folder with the name of the containing folder, right?


If I add file "c:\parent_folder\child_folder\file1.txt" to the advanced renamer and I choose <DirName>.<Ext> as my naming tags, the output or result will be a file named "c:\parent_folder\child_folder\child_folder.txt"

What I suggest is to expand the syntax of the <DirName> tag by adding two attributes:

1. A folder-level attribute that gives you the option of choosing more that one level (the containing folder) into the file path.

2. An optional seperator character (with a default null string value) for levels of folders > 1.

So the expanded syntax of the <DirName> tag is as follows <DirName FolderLevel OptionalSeperator>.

Let's use the example above with a couple of permutations to illustrate...

Input: "c:\parent_folder\child_folder\file1.txt"

Case 1: Apply tag <DirName 2 _>.<Ext> gives "c:\parent_folder\child_folder\parent_folder_child_folder.txt"
Case 2: Apply tag: <DirName 2 ->.<Ext> gives "c:\parent_folder\child_folder\parent_folder-child_folder.txt"
Case 3: Apply tag:<DirName 3>.<Ext> gives gives "c:\parent_folder\child_folder\cparent_folderchild_folder.txt"

Advanced Renamer ROCKS !!! AWESOME !!!

03/08-11 22:06
#4 : 04/08-11 17:07
Posts: 6
Reply to #3:
Quote Dean Kruger: "Advanced Renamer ROCKS !!! AWESOME !!!" I totally agree!!!

04/08-11 17:07
#5 : 16/08-11 17:06
Dean Kruger
Dean Kruger
Posts: 6
Thanks for the update, Kim...

16/08-11 17:06
#6 : 16/08-11 21:36
Kim Jensen
Kim Jensen
Posts: 883
Reply to #5:
You are welcome. I realize I have forgotten to update the user manual with the new option for the dirname tag.

16/08-11 21:36