Replace lowercase episode info with uppercase.

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 20/02-17 22:17
Rey Kenobi
Rey Kenobi
Posts: 4
I want to replace lowercase episode info with uppercase. Example: s01e01 to S01E01.

The rest of the filename is 'Set upper case first letter in every word'. I tried using reg ex in the replace method, that is, "s\d\de" to "S\d\dE", but I get an error in the new filename because the program actually tries to insert "\d\d" in the new filename instead of the digits '01' from the original filename. I suppose reg ex does not work for the 'to'-part. How do I proceed with this?

20/02-17 22:17
#2 : 21/02-17 00:14
G. Lambany
G. Lambany
Posts: 187
Reply to #1:
You need to first set a capture group, with ( )

then use it in the "replace with" with \1, \2 etc

so instead of s\d\de, it would be s(\d\d)e and replace with: S\1E


21/02-17 00:14
#3 : 21/02-17 01:18
Rey Kenobi
Rey Kenobi
Posts: 4
Reply to #2:

Yes, that worked! Thanks a lot!

21/02-17 01:18