Request Transcode from csv.. For renaming files with Accented letters and Roman Numerals

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 10/03-17 01:23
Posts: 9
You have a replace from list
Can you make a feature to load a list from a text or better yet a csv file
Example: I have a list of replacement for accented letters that i want to convert to non accented characters.

This feature may also be useful since i can make a replacement table for Roman Numerals to arabic numerals


or Do you think a replacement of regex characters from a list might work



10/03-17 01:23 - edited 10/03-17 01:26
#2 : 12/03-17 06:51
Posts: 9
i found this on an earlier post (but decided to add more diacriticals
What is the best way to remove accent from a file name ?

here is draft of the entries you can use, the [ ] is the "Text to be replaced", and the character after is it the "replace with":
[ÁáÀàÂâǍǎĂăÃãẢảẠạÄäÅåĀāĄąẤấẦầẪẫẨẩẬậẮắẰằẴẵẲẳẶặǺǻ] a
[ĆćĈĉČčĊċÇç] c
[ĎďĐđÐ] d
[ÉéÈèÊêĚěĔĕẼẽẺẻĖėËëĒēĘęẾếỀềỄễỂểẸẹỆệ] e
[ĞğĜĝĠġĢģ] g
[ĤĥĦħ] h
[ÍíÌìĬĭÎîǏǐÏïĨĩĮįĪīỈỉỊị] i
[Ĵĵ] j
[Ķķ] k
[Ĺ弾ĻļŁłĿŀ] l
[ŃńŇňÑñŅņ] n
[ÓóÒòŎŏÔôỐốỒồỖỗỔổǑǒÖöŐőÕõØøǾǿŌōỎỏƠơỚớỜờỠỡỞởỢợỌọỘộ] o
[ṔṕṖṗ] p
[ŔŕŘřŖŗ] r
[ŚśŜŝŠšÅžÅŸ] s
[ŤťŢţŦŧ] t
[ÚúÙùŬŭÛûǓǔŮůÜüǗǘǛǜǙǚǕǖŰűŨũŲųŪūỦủƯưỨứỪừỮữỬửỰựỤụ] u
[ẂẃẀẁŴŵẄẅ] w
[ÝýỲỳŶŷŸÿỸỹỶỷỴỵ] y
[ŹźŽžŻż] z

case sentive: checked
use regular expressions: checked

could probably be improved/adapted to the language you need to remove the accent from, but the idea is there

12/03-17 06:51
#3 : 24/03-17 01:56
Posts: 9
Hoping you can add an import from text or csv file for replacement pairs...
That would make this an awesome feature to your app

24/03-17 01:56