Exif Script for photographers

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 15/03-18 12:51
Random Camden
Random Camden
Posts: 2
Created this to rename photographs to date/time taken, with additional info if the photo is part of an AutoExposureBracket (AEB) set. Useful if you want to stack multiple images together for HDR processing.
This is based on data from a Canon Camera. Hope someone finds it useful

var nName = "";
if (item.exifToolValue("BracketMode") == "AEB")
nName = item.exifToolValue("DateTimeOriginal") + "[AEB " + item.exifToolValue("AEBBracketValue") + "]";
} else
nName = item.exifToolValue("DateTimeOriginal");
return item.newBasename = nName;

15/03-18 12:51
#2 : 20/03-18 15:27
Random Camden
Random Camden
Posts: 2
Reply to #1:
Running into the "Access Violation" error on js32.dll when I try to run this script on more than 5 files.
Really annoying and can't find any workaround. Plenty of others on this forum have reported it, but no solutions yet.
Currently having to use FlashRenamer to do this work instead. :o(

20/03-18 15:27
#3 : 21/03-18 10:48
Kim Jensen
Kim Jensen
Posts: 880
Reply to #1:
Are you using the latest version af Advanced Renamer?

21/03-18 10:48