How to add incrementing numbers to file names?

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 20/04-19 00:43
Alex Foster
Alex Foster
Posts: 11

So, how do I add incrementing numbers to file names? This must be so simple and yet I don't see it.

Old filenames:


--> New filenames should be:

001 movieclipABC.mpg
002 movieclipDEF.mpg
003 movieclipGHI.mpg

Please, any help? thanks in advance!

20/04-19 00:43
#2 : 20/04-19 08:34
David Lee
David Lee
Posts: 1125
It's all explained in the User Guide.

20/04-19 08:34
#3 : 20/04-19 10:42
Alex Foster
Alex Foster
Posts: 11
Reply to #2:
Ah, I see. "Tags", yes. Somehow I think such a basic function (add numbers to files) should be more in the "Add" Menu, it's a little hidden for my taste, but of course, once you know where it is everything becomes simple.

But thanks a lot anyway!!

20/04-19 10:42