Complicated File Renaming

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 08/06-19 08:24
Brandon Clark
Brandon Clark
Posts: 5
Have thousands of youtube videos downloaded and am looking to organize them. The format they are downloaded in is:



Looking to turn that example into:

Hot Ones - Halle Berry Refuses to Lose to Spicy Wings - 06/06/19 - 1080p.mp4

I know I am able to remove the periods and add the spaces, but reformatting/moving the dates are really throwing me off and I am not well versed in any scripting. Is automating this possible? Would rather not spend hours/days/weeks/months doing this manually.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

08/06-19 08:24
#2 : 08/06-19 11:55
David Lee
David Lee
Posts: 1125
Use the Replace method with the following Regular Expression:


and replace with:

\1 - \5 - \4-\3-\2 - \6

Then in a second method replace the remaining dots in the title with spaces.

"/" is illegal in Windows filenames so I have formatted the date as 06-06-19
I haven't bothered to insert a space in "HotOnes" - how you would do that depends on how the other filenames are formatted.

08/06-19 11:55
#3 : 08/06-19 23:17
David Lee
David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #2:
Second method - List replace:

1) Replace "((?!^)[A-Z](?=\w* -)(?!\w* - \d))" with " \1" (ie Space + Backslash + 1)
2) Replace "\." with " " (ie Space)

Case sensitive
Use regular expressions

08/06-19 23:17
#4 : 09/06-19 06:25
Brandon Clark
Brandon Clark
Posts: 5
Reply to #3:
Will definitely give this a try! Will this work batch on different length file names? Will this move the date to the end?

09/06-19 06:25
#5 : 09/06-19 06:30
Brandon Clark
Brandon Clark
Posts: 5
Reply to #4:
Just gave that a doesn't move the date

09/06-19 06:30
#6 : 09/06-19 08:06
David Lee
David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #5:

Check that you have copied the expressions correctly.

As posted:

is renamed as

Hot Ones - Halle Berry Refuses to Lose to Spicy Wings - 06-06-19 - 1080p.mp4

which is exactly what you asked for (apart from the illegal date separator).

09/06-19 08:06