Identifying Changed Filenames

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 16/01-20 21:34
Tim Mullins
Tim Mullins
Posts: 1
After looking through the user manual and forum postings, I have not yet found a direct way to isolate files listed whose names do not change given my renaming rules.

- Sure, if I apply my naming rules, unchanged names will remain unchanged. But if I have 1000s of files and only a few whose names change. I'd like to isolate those few to preview proposed changes.

- Yes, unchanged names are grayed out. But again, I can't seem to sort on grayed vs ungrayed to isolate those names that do change.

So, I have a clunky rule script workaround. I'd welcome any suggestions as to a better way.

// This script must be the final rule in the renaming rules list
// It will throw an error for filenames that remain unchanged

if( == item.newBasename){
item.errorCode = 101;
item.errorMessage = "NameUnchanged";

Now, when previewing the results of my renaming rules, unchanged files will be in red indicating an error. I can then use the "List" pulldown (located at the top of the listed files to the right of the green+) and select "Remove erroneous items". The only files that remain afterwards are those whose names change.

Oh, yes, I sometimes will toggle that workaround script to see if there are any real errors!

16/01-20 21:34
#2 : 17/01-20 15:23
David Lee
David Lee
Posts: 1125

A more convenient method may be to preview the changes in the JS Console window.

Add the following script at the end of your method list:

if (item.newBasename !== {

Apply the script and then click "JS Console" on the menu bar.
The console will display the original and new names of the files whose names will be changed when you run the batch, separated by blank lines.

This feature was added in version 3.84 (8 Oct 2018) and has not yet appeared in the User Guide.

17/01-20 15:23 - edited 17/01-20 15:31