Download Advanced Renamer 3.95 for Windows

Release date: 2024-04-15
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Version 4.0 beta for Windows and Mac is now available.

Personal use

You can download and use Advanced Renamer for FREE for any personal use. If you use the program frequently I hope you will buy a license to support the project.

Compare free and paid versions

Commercial use

If you use Advanced Renamer for a business you can download and try it out for free. To continue using it, you need to buy a life time license.

How to buy
License terms

Payment methods
All payments are handled by

One-time purchase with free upgrades
All licenses are valid for any future versions of Advanced Renamer within the 3.xx and 4.xx version range. You get a lifetime license with no extra upgrade or maintenance costs. No subscriptions.

Version 4.0 Beta for Windows and Mac

Release date: 2024-07-24
What's new | Version log

Download for Windows



System requirements: Windows 10 or later, 64-bit only.
Works on ARM through emulation
Download for Mac

Apple silicon

Intel chip

System requirements: MacOS 11 or later

Advanced Renamer 4.0
Advanced Renamer 4.0 - Dark mode

Introduction by the developer
This is by far the largest update to Advanced Renamer since version 3.0 was released in 2011. A lot of code has been redesigned and rewritten. About six months ago, I released the first version of the program supporting MacOS, but the problem was that I then had two code bases to maintain. Version 4.0 is actually the Mac version backported to Windows, so to support both platforms with a single code base.

I went on a code bender to implementing extraction of metadata myself, instead of having to rely on third party tools and libraries. It was both very fun and challenging, and I ended up added support for 64 different file extensions (some are the same format), and I will add even more in the coming months.

Some features have been very time consuming or very difficult to implement, so I had to leave a few behind for now. I am at a point where I just want this out into the hands of users. I can spend a lot of time nitpicking and polishing small aspects of the program, but sometimes you have to stop and release. I still have a list of user requested features and changes which I will implement during the next couple of months.

Instructions on upgrading from version 3.xx
When installing version 4.0 it will replace any existing version 3.x on your computer. The settings are saved in a different location, making it possible to later downgrade to version 3.x without losing your settings. If 3.x settings are found on startup, the program will ask if you want to import them. Methods, license key, and most program settings are imported.

Beta status
This version has been tested over several months, but a lot of stuff has been reimplemented for this release, making the chance of bugs higher. Please report any bugs or issues you encounter, by using the support link in the menu. Please include program version and operating system version in your request. Screenshots are also very helpful.

For the most part, the program is backwards compatible with version 3.xx, but some features have been removed or changed. Since I don't collect any statistics from the program, I don't know how many users are using these features. If you are using a feature that has been significantly altered or removed, and you miss how it worked in 3.x, please let me know by using the support link.

I hope you will enjoy this new version of Advanced Renamer. I have put a lot of effort into it. Many more features will be added in the upcoming months.

- Kim Jensen, creator and maintainer of Advanced Renamer

Changes in this version
  • New left panel with buttons for switching between method panel, folder panel, and info panel
  • New file format for language files
  • New scripting engine based on QuickJS
  • Native support for retrieving metadata from many media formats
  • Any metadata value can now become a column
  • Adding files is now faster
  • Import menu group has been removed. The items are now in a sub menu in the Add group
  • In tags, metadata prefixes are now optional. This means that <Img Title> and <Title> are not the same. The default tag is now <Title>. This also means the space after the prefix is no longer optional. When using prefix, the space must separate the actual tag
  • Speed improvement when parsing tags
  • When padding numeric tag values with zero, as an addition to 0-notation, you can also just specify the number between 1 and 9. Both these are now valid: <Pages:000> and <Pages:3>
  • Insert tag panel now shows a "Show more" button to reveal all metadata fields found in the files added to the program since startup. The list is divided into the 4 categories: Image, Audio, Video, and Document.
  • Fixed maximum filename length on Mac incorrectly set to the same as on Windows
  • Program will always attempt to replace invalid characters in tag values with a -. The replace character can be changed in settings
  • Undo lists will automatically be deleted after 30 days
  • Default setting for progress window is changed to close automatically
  • After batch, added option to add unchanged items to the list
  • A non-portable version of the program can no longer be changed to portable
  • Removed show Explorer File Properties from list right click popup menu
  • Removed image dimension tags with physical units, like <Img Width Inch>. Use instead <Img Width:0:inch>, <Img Width:0:cm>, or <Img Width:0:mm>
  • Attributes method removed. Did not add enough unique functionality
  • Column sets are no longer supported
  • List no longer supports multiple display modes, like large icons
  • Thumbnail mode has been removed
  • Metadata writer is no longer available (might be added later)