Entering separation characters in a date

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 03/02-20 10:26
Pierre Oberholzer
Posts: 1
I used to have the following naming convention for files: YYYYMMDD <file name>.
I would like to change it to YYYY-MM-DD <file name>.
Any suggestion on how to handle it?
#2 : 03/02-20 12:40
Posts: 122
Reply to #1:
Hi, you can use the "Add" method twice.
In the first method insert the "hyphen" character in position 5, and position 8 for the second method.
Like this: https://streamable.com/2o4hg

edited: 03/02-20 12:42
#3 : 03/02-20 13:39
David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #1:

You can do this with a single Replace method and a Regular Expression...

Text to be replaced: ^(\d{4})(\d{2})
Replace with: \1-\2-
Use regular expressions: √
