#1 : 23/02-20 22:00 Peter
Posts: 5
as mentioned in my other topic, when I add images to rename in AR 3.85, I get the error: "Access violation at address 6328F7B5 in module 'js32.dll'. Read of address 02C2F77C." when I add "too many" files. "Too many" may be more than 12 with some files, or just more than 4 with others. When it throws this error, the file seem to be in the list, but they are "invisible". I have a folder with 7 files in it. When I have AutoTest enabled and add more than 3 files at once, it throws the error. When I have AutoTest disabled, it works fine. Even when I throw in all 7 files at once. But when I try to TestBatch, it throws the same error, but the files don't disappear. Is there a known cause and fix for this problem? |
#2 : 24/02-20 18:43 Peter
Posts: 5
Reply to #1:
An interesting observation: When I add a folder with "Auto Test" disabled and click on "Test Batch", I get the error. But when I add a folder, then open the "Metadata" window at the top, close it again and click on "Test Batch" afterwards, everything works fine. |
#3 : 25/03-20 01:19 Jake
Posts: 1
I want to bump this. I just dropped $20 on this tool and it seems great. I am getting this bug 100% of the time when running my script on my batch of ~500 photos. It looks for the oldest date associated with a photo and rename it.
Here is the script: ``` try { var uniqueFileName = function (str) { return str + "___" + item.name + "___"; }; var isValidStr = function (str) { return (str != null) && (str.length > 0); }; var pad = function (n, width, z) { z = z || '0'; n = n + ''; return n.length >= width ? n : new Array(width - n.length + 1).join(z) + n; } var parseDate = function (str) { var dateStr = str; // Replace date with - instead of : if ((dateStr.match(/:/g) || []).length >= 4) { dateStr = dateStr.replace(':', '-').replace(':', '-') } // Replace date with - instead of . if ((dateStr.match(/./g) || []).length >= 2) { dateStr = dateStr.replace('.', '-').replace('.', '-') } // Add T in there dateStr = dateStr.replace(' ', 'T'); var newDate = new Date(dateStr); if (newDate == NaN) { console.log("Bad date found: " + dateStr) return null; } if (newDate == "Invalid Date") { return null; } return newDate; } var dates = []; var dateTimeOriginal = item.exifToolValue('DateTimeOriginal'); if (isValidStr(dateTimeOriginal)) { console.log('DateTimeOriginal'); var date = parseDate(dateTimeOriginal); if (date != null) { dates.push(date); } } var mediaCreationTime = item.exifToolValue('MediaCreateDate'); if (isValidStr(mediaCreationTime)) { console.log('MediaCreateDate'); var date = parseDate(mediaCreationTime); if (date != null) { dates.push(date); } } var creationDate = item.exifToolValue('CreationDate'); if (isValidStr(creationDate)) { console.log('CreationDate'); var date = parseDate(creationDate); if (date != null) { dates.push(date); } } if (item.modifiedDate) { dates.push(item.modifiedDate); } // Find the oldest date possible from all attributes var smallestDate = null; dates.forEach(function (date) { if (smallestDate == null) { smallestDate = date; } else if (date == null) { console.log("O NO ITS NULL"); } else if (date.valueOf() < smallestDate.valueOf()) { smallestDate = date; } }); if (smallestDate) { var dateStr = pad(smallestDate.getFullYear(), 4) + "." + pad(smallestDate.getMonth() + 1, 2) + "." + pad(smallestDate.getDate(), 2) + "_" + pad(smallestDate.getHours(), 2) + "." + pad(smallestDate.getMinutes(), 2) + "." + pad(smallestDate.getSeconds(), 2); return uniqueFileName(dateStr); } else { return "BAD_FILE_ATTRIBUTES"; } } catch (err) { return "JSError: " + err; } ``` |