#1 : 04/03-20 17:16 Garry
Posts: 2
Hi, I need to rename about 300 files from the example below and I'm struggling to get my head around it
From ABC_DEF_1\23456789_2020_03_04 to ABC_DEF_1\2345XXXX_2020_03_04 Each file has the constant ABC_DEF_1\2345NNNN_2020_03_04 but the NNNN part is different on all files, I just need to make the NNNN part in to XXXX Many thanks |
#2 : 04/03-20 22:13 David Lee
Posts: 1125
Replace method using Regular Expressions...
Replace: ^.{14}\K\d{4} with: XXXX Skips 14 characters starting at the beginning of the filename and then replaces the following 4 digits. |
#3 : 05/03-20 14:37 Garry
Posts: 2
Reply to #2:
Many thanks, you've saved me a very tedious job, much appreciated |