#1 : 12/04-20 08:12 L B
Posts: 74
I have a bunch of methods I have saved in an .aren file that I use frequently together. Its a mixture of replaces, list replaces, renumbers, new cases, and a whole lot more, most with regex enabled.
While they work smoothly for the most part, sometimes when an exceptional case comes through, it becomes very difficult to find out what expression/condition in which method is responsible for it, especially if the issue lies in a ListReplace method. For most other methods its a single expression, so its easy to enable/disable the method and see if its causing an issue. But ListReplace methods are all applied to the filename sequentially, and there is no way to enable/disable a singular expression within a ListReplace, so it becomes very tough to debug these. Is there a way to get a kind of a debug report so I can better judge what expression in a ListReplace method is responsible for the issue? |