#1 : 08/07-20 03:13 crocs
Posts: 1
I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to rename only files that have any combination of four numbers inside of a parentheses?
example: filenameis2345.jpg ----- filenameis (2345).jpg filename 1943.jpg ------ filename (1943).jpg filename4614test.jpg ----- filename (4614) test.jpg Thanks! |
#2 : 08/07-20 11:22 David Lee
Posts: 1125
Use a replace method using a regular expression...
Text to be replaced: "(^|[^\d]) *(\d{4}) *(?![\d])" Replace with: "\1 (\2) " - note the space at the end This will add unwanted spaces where the numbers are at the beginning or the end of the filename so add a second Replace method to remove them... Text to be replaced: "^ | $" Replace with: blank |