Different extensions break up numbering scheme

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 16/07-20 12:43
Posts: 2
Hi, please, I need to change the name of the files, based on the name of the folder in which they are located + numbering, but if the two files have the same name but a different extension, the program names them the same. I need the numbering to continue even if the extension is different.
I use the method New name: <DirName: 1>-<Inc NrDir: 01>
thank you
#2 : 16/07-20 17:07
David Lee
Posts: 1125
Does this help? :

#3 : 17/07-20 09:18
Posts: 2
Reply to #2:
"Apply to: Name" - this didn't help (I didn't even change it, it was set by default),
"Use zero padding in Inc Nr tags" - this only removed the zero before the numbers, but otherwise didn't help