Whatsapp Image Save Description as Shooting Date

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 27/08-20 12:58
Posts: 2
Meta tags are not stored in Whatsapp images.
The images themselves are labeled with the time of recording.

In the form: IMG-20190808-WA0001

How can I extract the 20190808 with advance renamer and save it into the image as the date it was taken.

If the description would be IMG-2019-08-08-WA0001, Advance renamer would recognize it and write it into the date of capture using the timestamp method. But if the numbers are without hyphen, this is not possible.

I have about 10000 such images.

Does anyone have a wordaround for this?

#2 : 27/08-20 14:11
David Lee
Posts: 1125
Simple - just take the hyphens out of the Pattern!
#3 : 27/08-20 15:32
Posts: 2

edited: 27/08-20 15:42
#4 : 27/08-20 22:55
David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #3:
That is because you have changed the file system Created and Modified dates. Date Taken is an EXIF tag. Advanced Renamer can only READ EXIF tags so you will have to use an application that can edit EXIF metadata. Try ExifTool: https://exiftool.org

... or try a Google search - eg "write exif date to whatsapp image"

edited: 27/08-20 23:54