Renaming files by extension + by date (at once)

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 27/09-20 23:10
Posts: 1

I'd like to find an issue to rename all my JPG + MP4 files (from the same directory), but all at once (and not operate twice) + add the year at the end.
I'd like to sort by date, format the name & have this kind of results (while choosing all my files) :

Picture - 001 (2020)
Picture - 002 (2020)
Video - 001 (2020)
Video - 002 (2020)

Any idea? Script or ?
Thanks a lot, guys !!!
#2 : 29/09-20 11:13
Posts: 8
Reply to #1:
What is the original name (example please)?
Do you files have EXIF and/or meta tags?