Unix Timestamp based on creation date but in milliseconds

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 16/11-20 03:10
Posts: 3
I am wanting to use the "<UnixTimestamp Created>" however I believe that this default is in seconds. Is there a way to make this into milliseconds?

edited: 16/11-20 03:26
#2 : 16/11-20 14:26
David Lee
Posts: 1125
If you want to display the same timestamp value as milliseconds then simply add three zeroes at the end!

However if you want to display the time to millisecond resolution then ARen can't do it.

If subsecond data is available then you can use the standalone version of ExifTool - for help see https://exiftool.org/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=f d4d29369768197cc1e61d88d3978782&topi c=2736.0

Subsecond information may be available for files created in NTFS but not FAT filesystems. Also be aware that the Windows created date refers to the time that this particular instance of the file was created by Windows - not the original creation date, for which you should use the modified date.
#3 : 16/11-20 21:25
Posts: 3
Reply to #2:

Like this? "<UnixTimestamp Created>000"
#4 : 16/11-20 23:10
David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #3: