Script preview correct but does nothing when "Start batch"

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 18/11-20 02:40
Posts: 2
Hello community,
I have developed a script by inspiring on some others I found in the forum. You are good !!!
The script shifts by 1 minute each Created date and Modified date of files in a list :

Here the script :
var moddate = item.modifiedDate

var min = moddate.getMinutes();

item.newCreatedDate = moddate;
item.newModifiedDate = moddate;
There is a pre batch initilaizing i to 0.

Now, when I auto-test the script, I see the newModifiedDate and the newCreatedDate taking the new values.
But when I Start Batch, it runs something but the dates remains unchanged.
Do you have an idea why nothing changes ?
#2 : 18/11-20 10:52
David Lee
Posts: 1125
I have never managed to change timestamps using a script either, despite many hours of experimentation. As you have found the new timestamps appear in the List (and are reported by the new app.logItem(item) method) but are never applied to the files when running the batch. This appears either to be a bug or an undefined feature.

I suggest that you email Kim Jensen (the developer) for advice: [email protected]

If you find out any more then please post the information here.


Edit: The User Guide has not kept up with new features so it is worth reading "What's new" and "Version log" - linked from the Download page - for information about more recent updates and features (such as app.logItem()).

edited: 18/11-20 11:50
#3 : 20/11-20 14:47
Posts: 2
Reply to #2:
Hi David, all,
I found how to do.
If you add a second method after the first method containing the script, then it works.

My second method is a Timestamp where I do a Delta Time 0 0 0 0 0 0.
If I apply method 1 and method 2 in the same batch, it works fine.


edited: 22/11-20 00:25
#4 : 20/11-20 18:21
David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #3:

Well spotted!
