Renaming by last part

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 23/03-21 00:57
Posts: 2
Hi, so in a google form people are sending to me images and the google drive platform rename the files automatically adding to the original filename the name of the google account and it add it with a dash " - " forward. So the name of the file become like this: "name_of_the_image - person_name.jpeg". I need to keep just the last part of the name and remove the rest so i need just the name of the person, but probleme is in the original names of images we have commonly dashes ( - ) too, so we have no the same number of dashes in all filenames and i need to keep just from the last dash to the final of filename (keeping too the extension).

img - 20251215 - george bryan.jpeg (i want to keep just "george bryan.jpeg")
15615251fvrev - barack malick hosein.png (want to keep just "barack malick hosein.png")

Thanks a lot and scuse my english
#2 : 23/03-21 17:38
David Lee
Posts: 1125
Remove pattern method...
Pattern: ".*- " (do not include the quotes)
Use regular expressions: check
Apply to: Name

".*- " matches a string of any number of any characters (".*" ) plus "- ".
By default the "*" modifier is "greedy" and so the regex will match as many characters as possible up to and including the final "- ".
#3 : 23/03-21 17:38
David Lee
Posts: 1125

edited: 23/03-21 23:42
#4 : 24/03-21 14:33
Posts: 2
Reply to #2:
thank a lot, is like that, problem solved. Thank a lot