I am almost there, but need a bit of help

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 13/05-21 18:02
Posts: 4
I would like to do this conversion:

20200131 Wonder Hows The View.mp4 rename to Wonder Hows The View 20200131.mp4

Here is what I get
20200131 Wonder Hows The View.mp4 rename to Wonder Hows The 20200131View.mp4

Here is what I am trying. What am I missing?

(\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d) (.*)
\2 \1
#2 : 13/05-21 18:24
Posts: 150
Try with the following:

(.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*)
\2 \3 \4 \5 \1
#3 : 13/05-21 18:54
Posts: 4
Reply to #2:

Here is the result

20200131 Wonder Hows the view.mp4 => Wonder Hows The 20210131 View.mp4

with a leading space on at the beginning of the file name.

Making progress, but not quite there

Thank you
#4 : 13/05-21 18:57
Posts: 4
Reply to #3:
Also I need something that works with multiple files with names that all fit the pattern of

yyyymmdd file name could be many different number of words.mp4

convert to

file name could be many different number of words yyyymmdd.mp4

just for more clarification.

Thank you
#5 : 13/05-21 20:32
Posts: 150
Reply to #3:
See the image for a better explanation

#6 : 14/05-21 08:33
David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #1:

That should work - are you selecting "Use regular expressions"?

Neater would be...
Replace: (\d*) (.*)
With: \2 \1
Use regular expressions
#7 : 14/05-21 17:54
Posts: 4
Reply to #6:
This works!

Replace: (\d*) (.*)
With: \2 \1

Thank you very much