Remove all characters before a pattern

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 29/06-21 04:55
Steve Biswanger
Posts: 4
Hi! I.d like to remove all characters before the pattern of a space followed by 2 digits (0-9) followed by a space, a separator, & another space. I.e

"Patrick O'Hearn - 1989 - Eldorado - 01 - Amazon Waltz" would become
"01 - Amazon Waltz"

Can anyone help me with z script please?
#2 : 29/06-21 09:44
David Lee
Posts: 1125
Your specification and example are not self-consistent. I assume that the example represents what you really want.
ie remove a string ending with " - " from the beginning of the filename when it is followed by the pattern "dd - ".

Remove pattern...
Pattern ^.*- (?=\d{2} - )
Use regular expressions

edited: 18/12-21 13:28
#3 : 01/07-21 10:22
Steve Biswanger
Posts: 4
Reply to #2:
Thanks David! So far works perfect for what i asked for, still testing, will get back......