Want to rename jpg, .mov and mp4s to a create date/time based name

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 09/07-21 16:16
Dave Franks
Posts: 5
I had a vacation where multiple cameras were used including pics and videos. The time was synced on all of the devices and having the files named in order helps for creating a video of the vacation. I want the files to retain their extension but be renamed based on the image/video creation <year><month><dayofmonth>_<hour><minute><second>.<ext>. I was previously using "Stamp 2.8" to do this. Ideally I would like to choose a directory to process and it would handle the multiple file types in one pass. Is this possible?
#2 : 09/07-21 21:26
Dave Franks
Posts: 5
Reply to #1:
I also need to have the create date in the path like:
Path z:\My\Pictures\2019\05\2019_05_20\
File 20190520_112300.jpg

This is all based on the creation date/time. I was able to get the file name correct but the path does not seem to have functionality to do this. If I use the ExifTool data I can get a create string like "2019:05:20 11:23:00". I had the ability to edit the name but don't seem to have that ability with the path.
#3 : 10/07-21 16:34
David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #2:

Simplest way is to do this would be to use two passes.

First rename all your files using Batch Mode "Rename", ​as you are already doing, then use Batch Mode "Move" to relocate the files (with no methods enabled in the Method List).

You can build your output path in the "Output folder" box with repeated use of the <Substr> tag:

If you want to rename and move in the same batch then you will need to use a script, since the <Substr> tag refers to the original filename, when used in the "Output folder" box.

Note that ":" is not permitted in a Windows path so "2019:05:20 11:23:00" is not a valid filename.