#1 : 05/08-21 02:07 Ben
Posts: 1
Hi there! Saw this requested in an earlier (and now locked) post, but I don't see that this feature was ever added. It looks like the tool supports MD5, SHA1, and SHA256 renaming -- which is great -- but it would be awesome if we could also use the CRC32 naming convention as well. Makes for better viewing of long lists of files in the explorer window.
Love the app! -RGamer- |
#2 : 05/08-21 12:07 David Lee
Posts: 1125
You can easily add CRC32 using a script.
There are plenty of JavaScript examples on the Internet - the following is taken from: https://locutus.io/php/strings/crc32/ It's probably not the most efficient coding and I haven't tested it exhaustively but it seems to work. Returns the hash as a decimal integer. The code uses a look-up table, which I have put in the Pre Batch Script so that it is only entered once per batch. PRE BATCH SCRIPT: table = [ '00000000', '77073096', 'EE0E612C', '990951BA', '076DC419', '706AF48F', 'E963A535', '9E6495A3', '0EDB8832', '79DCB8A4', 'E0D5E91E', '97D2D988', '09B64C2B', '7EB17CBD', 'E7B82D07', '90BF1D91', '1DB71064', '6AB020F2', 'F3B97148', '84BE41DE', '1ADAD47D', '6DDDE4EB', 'F4D4B551', '83D385C7', '136C9856', '646BA8C0', 'FD62F97A', '8A65C9EC', '14015C4F', '63066CD9', 'FA0F3D63', '8D080DF5', '3B6E20C8', '4C69105E', 'D56041E4', 'A2677172', '3C03E4D1', '4B04D447', 'D20D85FD', 'A50AB56B', '35B5A8FA', '42B2986C', 'DBBBC9D6', 'ACBCF940', '32D86CE3', '45DF5C75', 'DCD60DCF', 'ABD13D59', '26D930AC', '51DE003A', 'C8D75180', 'BFD06116', '21B4F4B5', '56B3C423', 'CFBA9599', 'B8BDA50F', '2802B89E', '5F058808', 'C60CD9B2', 'B10BE924', '2F6F7C87', '58684C11', 'C1611DAB', 'B6662D3D', '76DC4190', '01DB7106', '98D220BC', 'EFD5102A', '71B18589', '06B6B51F', '9FBFE4A5', 'E8B8D433', '7807C9A2', '0F00F934', '9609A88E', 'E10E9818', '7F6A0DBB', '086D3D2D', '91646C97', 'E6635C01', '6B6B51F4', '1C6C6162', '856530D8', 'F262004E', '6C0695ED', '1B01A57B', '8208F4C1', 'F50FC457', '65B0D9C6', '12B7E950', '8BBEB8EA', 'FCB9887C', '62DD1DDF', '15DA2D49', '8CD37CF3', 'FBD44C65', '4DB26158', '3AB551CE', 'A3BC0074', 'D4BB30E2', '4ADFA541', '3DD895D7', 'A4D1C46D', 'D3D6F4FB', '4369E96A', '346ED9FC', 'AD678846', 'DA60B8D0', '44042D73', '33031DE5', 'AA0A4C5F', 'DD0D7CC9', '5005713C', '270241AA', 'BE0B1010', 'C90C2086', '5768B525', '206F85B3', 'B966D409', 'CE61E49F', '5EDEF90E', '29D9C998', 'B0D09822', 'C7D7A8B4', '59B33D17', '2EB40D81', 'B7BD5C3B', 'C0BA6CAD', 'EDB88320', '9ABFB3B6', '03B6E20C', '74B1D29A', 'EAD54739', '9DD277AF', '04DB2615', '73DC1683', 'E3630B12', '94643B84', '0D6D6A3E', '7A6A5AA8', 'E40ECF0B', '9309FF9D', '0A00AE27', '7D079EB1', 'F00F9344', '8708A3D2', '1E01F268', '6906C2FE', 'F762575D', '806567CB', '196C3671', '6E6B06E7', 'FED41B76', '89D32BE0', '10DA7A5A', '67DD4ACC', 'F9B9DF6F', '8EBEEFF9', '17B7BE43', '60B08ED5', 'D6D6A3E8', 'A1D1937E', '38D8C2C4', '4FDFF252', 'D1BB67F1', 'A6BC5767', '3FB506DD', '48B2364B', 'D80D2BDA', 'AF0A1B4C', '36034AF6', '41047A60', 'DF60EFC3', 'A867DF55', '316E8EEF', '4669BE79', 'CB61B38C', 'BC66831A', '256FD2A0', '5268E236', 'CC0C7795', 'BB0B4703', '220216B9', '5505262F', 'C5BA3BBE', 'B2BD0B28', '2BB45A92', '5CB36A04', 'C2D7FFA7', 'B5D0CF31', '2CD99E8B', '5BDEAE1D', '9B64C2B0', 'EC63F226', '756AA39C', '026D930A', '9C0906A9', 'EB0E363F', '72076785', '05005713', '95BF4A82', 'E2B87A14', '7BB12BAE', '0CB61B38', '92D28E9B', 'E5D5BE0D', '7CDCEFB7', '0BDBDF21', '86D3D2D4', 'F1D4E242', '68DDB3F8', '1FDA836E', '81BE16CD', 'F6B9265B', '6FB077E1', '18B74777', '88085AE6', 'FF0F6A70', '66063BCA', '11010B5C', '8F659EFF', 'F862AE69', '616BFFD3', '166CCF45', 'A00AE278', 'D70DD2EE', '4E048354', '3903B3C2', 'A7672661', 'D06016F7', '4969474D', '3E6E77DB', 'AED16A4A', 'D9D65ADC', '40DF0B66', '37D83BF0', 'A9BCAE53', 'DEBB9EC5', '47B2CF7F', '30B5FFE9', 'BDBDF21C', 'CABAC28A', '53B39330', '24B4A3A6', 'BAD03605', 'CDD70693', '54DE5729', '23D967BF', 'B3667A2E', 'C4614AB8', '5D681B02', '2A6F2B94', 'B40BBE37', 'C30C8EA1', '5A05DF1B', '2D02EF8D' ].join(' '); MAIN SCRIPT: name = item.name; crc = 0; x = 0; y = 0; crc = crc ^ (-1); for (i = 0, iTop = name.length; i < iTop; i++) { y = (crc ^ name.charCodeAt(i)) & 0xFF; x = '0x' + table.substr(y * 9, 8); crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ x; } return crc ^ (-1); |
#3 : 05/08-21 16:05 David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #2:
If you would prefer the hash in hexadecimal notation then use the following main script: name = item.name; crc = 0; x = 0; y = 0; crc = crc ^ (-1); for (i = 0, iTop = name.length; i < iTop; i++) { y = (crc ^ name.charCodeAt(i)) & 0xFF; x = table.substr(y * 11, 10); crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ x; } crc ^= -1; if (crc < 0) crc +=(0xFFFFFFFF + 1); return crc.toString(16); Note: by default JavaScript toString(16) will convert negative integers to negative hexadecimal, which is not usually what you want. To correct this "crc +=(0xFFFFFFFF + 1)" converts negative numbers to 8-bit two's-complement format. |