#1 : 21/09-21 06:50 generic user
Posts: 1
#2 : 21/09-21 11:18 David Lee
Posts: 1125
Use a Replace method with a regular expression...
Replace: .*_([^_]*)_[^_]*_[^_]*$ With: \1 Use regular expressions eg for "ActorA_ActorB_ActorC_ExampleMovieTitle_4096x2160_24fps.mp4": ".*_" matches a string of as many characters as possible ending with "_" ie "ActorA_ActorB_ActorC_" "([^-]*)" matches any string of any characters not including "_" and saves the result as \1 ie "ExampleMovieTitle" "_[^_]*" matches "_" followed by a string of any characters except "-" ie "_4096x2160" "_[^_]*&" as previous but must be at the end of the filename ie "_24fps" See the User Guide for further explanation: www.advancedrenamer.com/user_guide/regular_expresions |