#1 : 20/10-21 00:01 Tho Con
Posts: 6
Can someone please help me. I want to move a group of files to a folder and keep same file name. Basically use the name of file before "_ddmmyyyy" to create a folder for that file and move all same group file to that folder. example: file1_ddmmyyy xxxxxxxx.jpg (where is ddmmyyyy is random day, date, year) file1_ddmmyyy xxxxxxxx.jpg (where is ddmmyyyy is random day, date, year) file2_ddmmyyy xxxxxxxx.jpg (where is ddmmyyyy is random day, date, year) file2_ddmmyyy xxxxxxxx.jpg (where is ddmmyyyy is random day, date, year) move all files above to file1 and file2 folders. Thank you |
#2 : 20/10-21 00:36 David Lee
Posts: 1125
Use Batch mode: Move
Output folder: <Substr:1:"_"> Leave the Method List blank unless you want to rename the files at the same time as moving. |
#3 : 20/10-21 19:57 Tho Con
Posts: 6
Reply to #2:
Thank you for your help, it doesn't working well for some files like: file with double underline file__ddmmyyyy_xxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or underline at front _file_ddmmyyyy_xxxx_xxxxxxxxxx but all files will have "_ddmmyyyy" after it. example of "_ddmmyyyy" can be: _19102021 Thank you |
#4 : 21/10-21 09:46 David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #3:
Use Batch mode Rename with a Script method: folder = item.name.match(/^_?([^_]*)/)[1]; item.newPath = item.path + folder; |
#5 : 21/10-21 16:50 Tho Con
Posts: 6
Reply to #4:
Hi David, Thank you for taking your time to help me. your script was working but the result not as I expected. can you make a script that can make a folder with a name of file before _ddmmyyyy and move all those group of files to that folder? example with files: _hello_12122021_1820_testing _hello_15072021_1213_WORD hello__12092021_2720_FOR TESTING hello__19042021_2230_testing hello_car_12102021_3085_ WHITE hello_car_25122021_6454_RED So there will be 3 group of files name and create a folder by those name: _hello hello_ hello_car Thank you |
#6 : 21/10-21 19:49 David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #5:
Does this do what you want? folder = item.name.match(/^.*?(?=_+\d{8})/); item.newPath = item.path + folder; |
#7 : 21/10-21 20:14 Tho Con
Posts: 6
Reply to #6:
Hi David, Thank you for fast reply. your code working much better, but still not exactly what I need. it will not work for files like this: hello__12092021_2720_FOR TESTING (2 underscore between "o and 1") mycar____27052021_3515 YELLOW (4 underscore between "r and 2") the code only create folders without any underscore: hello mycar instead of: hello_ (1 underscore after "o") mycar___ (3 underscore after "r") Thank you for your help. |
#8 : 21/10-21 21:00 David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #7:
folder = item.name.match(/^.*?(?=_\d{8})/); item.newPath = item.path + folder; |
#9 : 21/10-21 21:09 Tho Con
Posts: 6
Reply to #8:
Hi David, You are AMAZING. I don't understand the code, but it work 100% I just purchased full version. Thank you very much for your super help. :) |
#10 : 21/10-21 23:35 David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #9:
Actually the following, slightly simpler, line of code also works: folder = item.name.match(/^.*(?=_\d{8})/); "item.name" simply returns the original filename as a string and the "match" method will try to match the string that is defined in the argument of the method. This could be a simple quoted string in which case, for example: "filename".match("lena") would return the string "lena". However, in our case, we are using a Regular Expression as the argument, which is defined by enclosing it in "/" characters rather than quotes. So to explain the regex /^.*(?=_\d{8})/ : Regex uses "metacharacters" ie characters that have special meanings for example "." will match any character (incidentally if we really want a full stop to have its normal meaning in the regex we have to "escape" the character using "\" - ie as "\.") "*" indicates any number of repetitions of the preceding character (including zero) and "^" signifies the start of the string. Thus "^.*" will match any string starting from the beginning of the filename, which on its own would simply return the entire filename. However the construction (?=str) - known as a "positive lookahead" - specifies that the preceding match must be followed by the pattern defined by "str" - which in this case is "_\d{8}" Here the metacharacter \d specifies a decimal digit and {8} means that the preceding character must be repeated a total of 8 times. Thus the match will return all the characters from the beginning of the filename, stopping just before it encounters an underscore followed by the 8-digit date string. |
#11 : 22/10-21 01:33 Tho Con
Posts: 6
Reply to #10:
Hi David, Thank you for taking time to explain it to me. you are genius :) |