#1 : 25/12-21 04:17 MaxEnrik
Posts: 12
I want to add incremental numbers (001) to the end of the bunch files.
Currently I use: return str + item.index; I need to start from 1, but the .index is starting from 0: 0 |
#2 : 25/12-21 22:56 David Lee
Posts: 1125
return str + ('000' + (item.index + 1)).slice(-3);
#3 : 26/12-21 13:29 MaxEnrik
Posts: 12
Very nice! Thank you so much!
(But it still starts from 0, not 1.) In the 'Replace > Replace with <Inc Nr:1>' this is automatically choosing counts digits like below. If we have 9 pictures - digits like this: 0-9. If we have 99 pictures - digits like this: 00-99. If we have 999 pictures - digits like this: 000-999. Is it possible to do it so? Just not manually choosing digits as I chose '000'. (Hope I explained well - English isn't my native language.) |
#4 : 26/12-21 15:43 David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #3:
I'm sorry - your question does not make any sense at all. Try posting an example of what you are trying to achieve. Your original question described a script: "str + item.index " will add the item number of each file in the list starting with zero. If you simply add 1 to each number : " str + (item.index + 1)" then the numbering MUST start from 1 so I do not understand why you say it doesn't. You have to enclose this statement in parenthesis otherwise "str + item.index + 1" will add the character "1" to the end of the string plus item number. The tag "<Inc Nr:1>" also adds incrementing numbers starting from 1 - NOT zero - so again your comments puzzle me. |
#5 : 26/12-21 15:57 MaxEnrik
Posts: 12
Reply to #4:
Currently, I am using the code below. var rp1 = /-\d+(\d{2})$/; var nbn = item.newBasename; var nn1 = nbn.replace(rp1, '_'); return nn1 + ('00' + (item.index + 1)).slice(-2); // I don't want to write '00' and nor '-2' in slice() // This code works perfectly, but I don't need to manually change '00', '-2' each time I want to use the script. I am just looking to do it automatically. And need to use just the script for it. |
#6 : 26/12-21 17:14 David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #5:
I'm sure this question would not make any more sense if you wrote it in your native language. We cannot read your mind - JUST TELL US WHAT YOU WANT TO DO AND GIVE BEFORE AND AFTER EXAMPLES!!!! |
#7 : 26/12-21 18:06 MaxEnrik
Posts: 12
Reply to #6:
I need to use the Script to rename files or folders. I am changing these numbers regularly. I used this script last time, and there were over 120 images - so I used triple 0. return nn1 + ('000' + (item.index + 1)).slice(-3); Now I need to rename the 14 images - I have to use double 0. return nn1 + ('00' + (item.index + 1)).slice(-2); https://i.snipboard.io/weDNB7.jpg Hope I explained well, if not sorry for your time. I didn't mind to bother someone else. Have a good one. |
#8 : 27/12-21 10:47 David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #7:
You do not need to use a script - just use a New Name method... New Name: <Substr:1:->_<Inc Nr:1> |
#9 : 27/12-21 14:17 MaxEnrik
Posts: 12
Reply to #8:
It's part of a big and complex script. (private) That is why I have to use the script. |
#10 : 27/12-21 14:25 MaxEnrik
Posts: 12
Reply to #8:
I found what I was looking for from your responses to others' concerns. app.parseTags("<Inc Nr:1>") Thank you so much! |