Removing text

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 14/02-22 07:45
Christina Young
Christina Young
Posts: 3
I have forgotten the syntax for finding and removing data delimited by an "_".

Example - Christina Young_Set_Taste of Summer - I need to strip everything up to and including the second underscore

I had a script and lost it and now just cannot remember how to do it. Maybe turning 73 changed my brain to mush.

Thanks in advance

Christina Young

14/02-22 07:45 - edited 14/02-22 07:46
#2 : 14/02-22 08:58
David Lee
David Lee
Posts: 1125
Replace method...

Replace: .*_
With: leave blank
Use regular expressions

I hope you're wrong about turning 73 - I'm just a few months shy of 70 and don't much fancy the idea of an imminent mushy brain!

14/02-22 08:58
#3 : 14/02-22 09:30
Christina Young
Christina Young
Posts: 3
Reply to #2:
Thanks heaps.

Yes I was joking. I am 73 but my brain is still going strong. Was being rather lazy I think. I have since been reading up on the help file.

14/02-22 09:30 - edited 14/02-22 09:32