sorting files by names

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 14/07-22 10:15
Posts: 1
not sure i can solve my problem using arenamer.
Anyone can confirm ?
I have lots of files that i wish to put automatically in folders having the same name as the first part of the file.
i.e. i have pictures called Bob jones.jpg or laura schmutz.jpg, i want they respectivally go in folder
"bob" and "laura".
This i guess is fairly easy even under DOS.
but a secondary issue is that some files with same name may already be present in the folder. So when deplaced maybe renaming is necessary. Something that seems impossible with DOS commands.
Would Arenamer allows that, i guess under command line ? what language is used their ?
#2 : 14/07-22 10:42
David Lee
Posts: 1125