past folder path instead of traversing folder tree

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 18/12-22 17:38
Mr Guy
Posts: 1
I searched and saw someone else had question. However the response wasn't helpful at all.

I hate traversing a tree to find a folder to add items to work on especially when it's got a huge amount of folders and the application hangs for several seconds why it populates the tree... then you have to scroll down to find your folder somewhere in the branches... oh and good luck if you accidently hit the arrow key to close the top folder... now you get to start all over again!

It's the most tedious, frustrating thing about adding files to work on especially when it would be instantaneous if you could just paste the path that you are working on!

I have supported the dev by purchasing a license and think this application is very helpful for renumbering/renaming folders and files but for the love of all that is holy would you please add an option to past the working directory path for directories!!!

searched post: um_id=3958