Show Rename

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 27/02-23 13:51
Posts: 2
I want my shows to be renamed a certain way. Default would be below and i'd like it to rename this way


TV Show - Episode Name Year.Month.Date.mp4

Date example would be 23.02.27

27/02-23 13:51
#2 : 28/02-23 09:21
David Lee
David Lee
Posts: 1125

28/02-23 09:21
#3 : 28/02-23 13:36
Posts: 2
Reply to #2:

oops shouldve been clearer. i have everything done except i don't know how to get the date done.

28/02-23 13:36
#4 : 28/02-23 17:19
David Lee
David Lee
Posts: 1125
Reply to #3:

I assume that you are using the New name method with:

<TVShow Title> - <TVShow EpisodeNumber> <TVShow EpisodeTitle> <TVShow Year>.<TVShow Month>.<TVShow Day>

and this is giving you a flilename ending with a date in the format: 2023.02.27

All you need to do is add another method to remove the first two digits of the date, which is a trivial problem - if you have read the User Guide!

One way is to use a Remove method...

Remove count; 2
Starting at: 9

28/02-23 17:19