Files with diffrent number of words

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 09/05-23 21:17
Posts: 2
Hey guys, i'm having a hard time with regular expressions, I didnt had to use them before and now my new system create files with diffrent names like this:

3_042023_DISTRIBUIDORA_Espelho e resumo da folha
5_042023_COISA DIFERENTE LTDA_Espelho e resumo da folha
10_042023_ALGUMA COISA LTDA_Espelho e resumo da folha
12_042023_ALEMAO CONGELADOS LTDA_Espelho e resumo da folha

I need to turn them into this:

0003 - RESUMO - 2023 04 - 00
0005 - RESUMO - 2023 04 - 00
0010 - RESUMO - 2023 04 - 00
0012 - RESUMO - 2023 04 - 00

Can anyone help?

09/05-23 21:17
#2 : 09/05-23 23:36
David Lee
David Lee
Posts: 1125
Replace: _(\d{2})(\d{4}).*
with: - RESUMO - \2 \1 - 00
Use regular expressions

Then add a Renumber method to fix the zero padding of the first number...

Number position: 1
Change to: Relative to existing number
Number difference: 0
Zero padding: Manual
Number length: 4

09/05-23 23:36
#3 : 10/05-23 13:49
Posts: 2
Wow, thank you so much!

10/05-23 13:49