GPS Not working at all

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 31/05-23 04:46
Robert   Morgan
Robert Morgan
Posts: 1
Hi I am new user using the free version of advance renamer.

Everything seems fine it's fairly straightforward I'm trying to name my pictures from my phone after I have copied them to my computer.

Everything seems to go fine but when I use the GPS example from the help I copy and paste it into the text box and then when I hit start it renames it by date and time as expected but no GPS information shows ie: City state etc.

But when I go into the properties from advanced renamer and click on the GPS coordinates it takes me perfectly to a Google map that is exactly where I was standing when I took the picture so I know the coordinates are working from the file

I know advanced renamer can see them but it's not getting translated and being used as part of the file name.

So then I wind up with a file named with the correct date and time but no location info.

Thanks in advance for your help.

31/05-23 04:46