shifting number sequence without name collisions...

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 29/07-23 17:52
Chad Briggs
Chad Briggs
Posts: 3
Hi all! I have an image sequence that goes as follows:
etc, etc.

I would like to shift this sequence to start on frame 7 instead of frame 0. I can do that with the "renumber" method, but i get a warning on most of the files saying that there could be multiple files with the same name. I get that from a logic standpoint (if frame 0 is being renamed to frame 7 and it already exists, etc), but is there a way to tell the app to start at the end of the naming process, so if the final frame is frame 100, rename that to 107 and then work backwards through the list to avoid collisions?

I've hacked my way around it be inserting a new character into the filename, and then running a sep renaming script to remove that character, but that seems clunky.

29/07-23 17:52
#2 : 29/07-23 18:15
Richard Merchant
Richard Merchant
Posts: 3
Reply to #1:

I confess that I've had to do this in the past but done so just with a cludge - first rename in a way that avoids conflicts (i.e. use the pattern *.0000000#.ext) and then use that list to rename the files a second time with the sequence I want (i.e. with a .000# pattern).
Sorry that I'm not clever enough to offer a real 'one pass' solution....

29/07-23 18:15