Renaming folders/subfolders deleted every single file? Please help restore them I don't have backups!!

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 24/08-23 07:07
Posts: 5

I just installed Advancer Renamer and used it fine to rename a bunch of files, but when I went to rename the folders it deleted every single file leaving only empty folders behind. I renamed the folders by clicking over to "Rename Folders", manually dragged the main folder into the program, and then selected subfolders as well. I then hit rename to Incrementing Numbers.

A series of errors came up when I did that and when I then opened the folder again every file was gone, leaving ONLY the folders behind (with name unchanged). I tried to hit "Undo Last Batch" and it only gives me errors now, saying the files it deleted can't be found.

Is there any possible way to restore my deleted files? Please let me know they are absolutely crucial files and I don't have backups!!
#2 : 24/08-23 08:18
Kim Jensen
Posts: 953
Reply to #1:
When performing a batch, Advanced Renamer instructs the operating system (Windows) to perform a file operation. This operation can be either rename, move, or copy. Advanced Renamer does not have the code necessary to instruct the OS to delete files.

When you say your files are deleted, are you absolutely sure they are gone? Maybe they got moved to some weird location and now you cannot find them. If you are renaming folders on multiple levels on the same branch of folders, you are likely to get some unexpected results, unless you are careful. The program will test for possible errors but it will not catch all of them until the operation is performed. Also sometimes the operating system just denies the file operation with no explanation.

The files you are renaming, are they located on local hard drive or on an external drive like a network drive or and USB drive? Working with files on an external drive always makes the whole operation much more complex and the risk of failure will increase.

I know it might be a bit late to say this, but always take backup before performing complex file operations. Computers are complex and can fail mid operation.
#3 : 24/08-23 08:37
Posts: 5
Reply to #2:

The files are on an external hard drive. Where could I try to look to find if it moved the files somewhere strange? I've looked in the original folder and it is only folders now, no internal files at all. And the folder names are still the same in that folder so that never even changed. Just the files all vanished. There is no new folder in that drive anywhere. Would it be changed/saved somewhere else?
#4 : 24/08-23 08:48
Posts: 5
Reply to #2:

Ok, I actually found a new folder that has about half the files!

Half the folders are still missing the files though...

And those aren't in the original folder still. And I can't find any other new folders.
#5 : 24/08-23 08:49
Posts: 5
Reply to #2:

Ok, I actually found a new folder that has about half the files!

Half the folders are still missing the files though...

And those aren't in the original folder still. And I can't find any other new folders.

It looks like all the folders that did get renamed are in the new folder with their files intact. The folders that diddn't get renamed have been copied over but are also empty.
#6 : 24/08-23 08:55
Posts: 5
Reply to #2:

Oh! I finally figured it out. Damn, that was scary.

So what happened was it made a new folder and duplicated the old folder names for some things, but ALSO modified the folder names and in the newly modified folder names are the old files. I was just looking in (first) the old folder where everything was gone, then in the new folder but under the old duplicate folders with the old names. Now when I open the other folders I can find the files in the renamed folders.

So I THINK everything is ok!

Thank you for responding and prompting me to search around a lot more. Really appreciated.
#7 : 25/08-23 08:23
Kim Jensen
Posts: 953
Reply to #6:
I'm glad you figured it out. Of course it is unfortunate that you had to spend that much time. But since the files are critical to you, I am glad you found them.
Working with network attached drives can sometimes be tricky. Bandwidth and latency issues can result in errors. Also the moving of files and folders over at network might result in Windows combining copy and delete under the hood, which can result in some duplication if some operations fail.