new methods

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 12/09-23 18:38
Oliver Petry
Oliver Petry
Posts: 5
how i can switch terms similar "(august)(2012)" -> "2012.08"
or words "one two three"...
this are simple cases. multiple replace only works if count of charactr is known..
it need a methods can tract terms with unknown amount of characters.
like use of seperatorlist to cut a string in terms..
maybe its useful to think about a system use of variables for a micro-code

12/09-23 18:38
#2 : 30/10-23 16:55
Brian Harkness
Brian Harkness
Posts: 5
Reply to #1:
I wrote a simple 12 entry list replace the has one entry per month. That's by far the easiest way to handle that part of the problem. The rest is a simple pattern match.

30/10-23 16:55
#3 : 30/10-23 16:56
Brian Harkness
Brian Harkness
Posts: 5
Reply to #1:
I wrote a simple 12 entry list replace the has one entry per month. That's by far the easiest way to handle that part of the problem. The rest is a simple pattern match.

Could you clarify what you mean by 'variables for micro-code'?

30/10-23 16:56