Tag in MXF and MP4 files

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 24/10-23 23:58
Posts: 3
Can you add Tag <encoded date> in MXF files please?
Tag <Video Date Year:x> takes data from field <Recorded date>

But there isn't field <Recorded date> in MXF and MP4 files

Thanks a lot for your Job
#2 : 25/10-23 17:03
Posts: 142
#3 : 26/10-23 05:49
Posts: 3
Reply to #2:
Advanced Renamer doesn't see tag <enocoded day>
#4 : 27/10-23 17:38
Posts: 3
Reply to #3:

I know
I asked if developers can add this tag?
#5 : 17/11-23 08:51
Kim Jensen
Posts: 955
Reply to #1:
Yes, I can. But I need to know the exact name the field has. Do this:
Add the file to Advanced Renamer
Select the file
Click the ExifTool button
Send me the name of the field as written in the window

I don't have any XMF files so I am not able to test it myself.