Replacing email addresses in file names

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 04/12-23 21:49
Posts: 3
I want to remove an email address in parentheses at the end of file names, but I can't get it to work.

This is my starting point (examples):
2023-11-01 (ABC-943064) Kontrolle - Blaurot GmbH ([email protected]).eml
2023-11-29 Re (ABC-943064) Kontrolle - Fritz Zuloff ([email protected]).eml
2023-11-30 Re [ABC-943064] Kontrolle - Blaurot GmbH ([email protected]).eml

This is what I want:
2023-11-01 (ABC-943064) Kontrolle - Blaurot GmbH.eml
2023-11-29 Re (ABC-943064) Kontrolle - Fritz Zuloff.eml
2023-11-30 Re [ABC-943064] Kontrolle - Blaurot GmbH.eml

I tried 'Replace' with regular expression, but I can't get the right expression.
Can anyone help with a regular expression? I need to find this pattern:
"space|opening parenthesis|any characters|@|any characters|dot|any characters|closing parenthesis"
at the end of the line (name only)

#2 : 05/12-23 18:39
Posts: 170
Reply to #1: HI Jan.
I have this regex in my small collection.
It delete the last word of the name.
Replace: ^(.+) .+$
Replace with: $1

It work with the examples you gave us..
Be sure to add a space between the parentesis and the dot

edited: 05/12-23 19:21