Older version

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 06/01-24 17:33
Posts: 4
Where can I download an older version. I don't like the lack of toolbar and import TV data is not available in 3.92.

Just read that TV series import has been removed. So long, and thanks for all the fish. That's the end of my support for AR.

edited: 06/01-24 17:55
#2 : 06/01-24 17:54
Posts: 142
Reply to #1:
Advanced Renamer 3.88 is here: https://www.advancedrenamer.com/download_older
#3 : 06/01-24 17:57
Posts: 4
Reply to #2:
Thanks, but I won't bother using AR any longer, as such a cavalier attitude from the developer has left a bad taste in my mouth.
#4 : 06/01-24 23:32
Posts: 3
Reply to #3:
What are you using instead?