AR error when installing on Win11 on ARM64

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 14/01-24 18:06
Markus Heat
Posts: 2
this is the first Software, that does not install the x64 Version on my System - e.g. even Corel Draw x64 installs and runs fine. Just bought it and wanted to run on my new Laptop.
Might be a simple solution to change the way the program checks the system on installation? WoA 11 emulates x64 nearly perfect.

#2 : 14/01-24 22:21
Markus Heat
Posts: 2
The most actual version, that runs without problem is the 3.91 portable Version.
Whatever happened in those two newer versions and the store-version - who knows but the developer.
i did not try every installer version, but even 3.91 does not install with the installer.

3.88 x32 installer works and the then installed versions works.

thanks for letting the older versions online...

edited: 14/01-24 22:28
#3 : 16/01-24 20:49
Kim Jensen
Posts: 953
I have no experience with running x86-64 executables on ARM based systems. Don't know how that works.