when renaming files in a bunch of folders how to exclude some file by their name or by their types

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 12/04-24 20:52
Posts: 2
When adding multiple folders each containing a file named "instructions.txt", how can I renumber all files across all folders without renaming the .txt files?

What I need is as follows:
<Folder 1>
<Folder 2>

and so on.

I am using the method (the Incrementing number per folder) <Inc NrDir:1> but this method will rename every file in those folders .. how to exclude some files according to their name and/or their extension?

Thank you in advance

edited: 12/04-24 21:22
#2 : 12/04-24 23:30
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 417
Reply to #1:

Hi Hani, greetings from Texas!

I would just exclude the files you don't want to rename in the "Select files" panel that pops up when you drag files/folders into the List window.

Drag all the directories in question into the List window on ARen. In the popup select "Add the files in the folders", and in the filenames mask you can tell it what not to match. If they are all text files and are the only text files in the directories it would just be "*.txt" (without the quotation marks). If it's more complex you will want to read the user manual about file masks. Tick t he "Not matching" check box and click OK to load your files. (Alternatively you could tell ARen what files to load, with something like *.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.odt - just make sure the "Not matching box isn't checked)

Once you get what you want just rename as normal.

Best regards,

edited: 12/04-24 23:32