#1 : 18/04-24 17:39 Jake
Posts: 2
When I use advanced renamer, it's almost always for entirely different things each time. Would it be possible to add a setting so that when you open the program, there's no methods selected, and methods don't default to their settings from last time they were used?
Unless this is already possible and I completely missed it. |
#2 : 22/04-24 01:13 Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 402
Reply to #1:
Hi Jake, Saw you didn't get reply so I thought I'd answer just so you wouldn't feel neglected. :) The first part is easy, just pin ARen to your taskbar, then save an instance of the program with only one deactivated method under a name like "start.aren". Right-click on the ARen icon on the taskbar and pin that name you just saved, and it will be there until you accidentally overwrite it (yeah, it happens :). The blank methods when adding to method list, I don't believe that's doable as it stands now. Best, DF |
#3 : 22/04-24 20:16 Miguel
Posts: 170
Reply to #2:
Using the Delta Foxtrot example you can create a shorcut with parameter. For example. "C:\Program Files\Advanced Renamer\ARen.exe" "start.aren" Be sure to use the correct path to the .aren file. Miguel |
#4 : 22/04-24 20:24 Kim Jensen
Posts: 953 |
Reply to #1:
You could make a .bat file to start Advanced Renamer that would first delete your settings. All settings are placed in files on your computer, and you can freely delete the files. They will automatically be recreated at startup with default program settings. |
#5 : 22/04-24 23:11 Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 402
Reply to #4:
Bingo! :) |
#6 : 27/04-24 01:44 Jake
Posts: 2
Perfect, thanks all!