#1 : 24/04-24 13:20 Linda K Hollman
Posts: 10
I tried to append at the end of all of my files, but I get an error on all of them. Is there a way to find out why? Is there a limitation on file name length? How do you check the collision rules? I click on the "Name Collision Rule" and get no response.
#2 : 25/04-24 03:29 Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 404
Reply to #1:
Hello again, :) Not to be rude, but you are not very specific in your description of your problems. If you describe the situation in detail and provide examples of what you are actually doing, the "usual suspects" here on the forum can often answer questions the first time–which will save you time checking back and answering the questions we have as to incomplete information. For instance, when you say "I tried to append at the end of all my files" I assume you mean you tried to use the "Add" method to append some information at the tail of all your filenames (and I'll try to answer that, since you ask about filename length), but you could also mean that you tried to append MORE FILES at the end of the Files list. Can you see the "Error" column in the Files list? If not, right click on a column heading and select "Fit columns" (second item from the top of the context menu). Check the Error column and see if there's useful information there, it should give you a good idea of what's going on. EDIT: I forgot to say, if the files list shows no errors before running the batch, ARen should stop and ask what you want to reload into the files list (files with errors, all files, etc... that's controlled by a setting in "Options/settings/renaming"). At the top of that panel there is a button that says, "See Errors" - this is another way of seeing what's happening. END EDIT For practical purposes file length in Windows can be up to around 260 characters or such, but if you are making filenames that long something is wrong already. :) As to Name collision rule, if you click on it and nothing happens something else is wrong. You should contact Kim Jensen, the creator, directly (look on the Support page). If I were you, though, before I did that I'd download that latest version at the bottom of the download page and install/reinstall. I assume it is possible that your download was bad the first time. I say that because, as I said, I've had absolutely no problem with collision rules and as far as I know from following the forum, neither has anyone else. Best regards, DF |
#3 : 26/04-24 09:25 Linda K Hollman
Posts: 10
Reply to #2:
Thank you for your patience. I am indeed using the add method to add "_arArcKtSH" to the end of each of my selected files at Index 0 backwards. I deleted all of the other methods. Each file name is different. Same results 38 files, 38 errors. Since the screen is so hard to read, I'm not sure what error it is. FYI the files are 40-50 characters in length. Has anything changed about what characters are allowed? Other than letters and numbers, I have underlines and hyphens only. |
#4 : 26/04-24 09:43 Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 404
Reply to #3:
Hi Linda, Unless you've renamed or moved the directory the files are in after loading them in ARen, you shouldn't see errors like that. At least not in my experience. I have done renames of files in folders and files on multiple directory levels where ARen renamed the upper level folders and then couldn't find the lower level ones, but that doesn't sound like what you are experiencing. Here is a screen capture of what my ARen looks like. I have super-compact menus set, so the menu might look different, but this is what dark mode looks like. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S6harKjDUx__VpA Chi8JWTtc3cAKusgw/view?usp=sharing If you are seeing something else I'm not sure what is going on. Do you have a friend, or know anyone who would be knowledgeable in computers and could troubleshoot your issues? Good luck, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Best, DF |
#5 : 26/04-24 13:18 Miguel
Posts: 170
Reply to #3:
Hi. It's very strange. I attach an image of a test I have performed and as you can see there is no problem. https://i.ibb.co/FmcxF6x/Captura-26-04-2024-34s. png https://i.ibb.co/GJgzzmV/Captura-26-04-2024-46s. png Have you tried using the New Name method? New Name: <Name>_arArcKtSH I assume you are not using any of these symbols: \ / : * ? " < > | are not supported by the OS. the length of the name is imposed by the OS. Windows allows names of 260 characters. It would be great if we could see a screenshot. To take a screenshot press Windows key+Printscr. The image will be saved in Images\Screenshots. Upload the file to your Google drive. Right click, select share and copy the link. Paste the link here. Miguel EDIT: As you can see i use https://imgbb.com/ for upload my screenshots. |
#6 : 26/04-24 17:22 Linda K Hollman
Posts: 10
Thank you all for your attempt to help me.
I think I know the problem. I think the collision rule does not differentiate beyond 30 or less characters. My file names are all the same for exactly 30 characters, then the difference in each one occurs. I just changed another completely different group and had no problem. As far as the looks, <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZdyXdlskndL6_vN piCddciC366JZkYDE/view?usp=sharing> was what I was seeing. I changed it to light mode, which is really a little bright for m. Now I get <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tK2iiHOdxBnJr9Q dFN_2rJe68nRW6A6d/view?usp=sharing>. Still seems a little strange. But that's how change is. Some of us wish they wouldn't change things so much. The bane of old age. |
#7 : 26/04-24 20:39 Linda K Hollman
Posts: 10
Reply to #5: I've never tried that one. Thank you.
#8 : 26/04-24 21:18 Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 404
Reply to #7:
Ha, I know the feeling. As someone who saw Dwight Eisenhower in person, campaigning for his second term as president, I can relate. Although I have to interject, a lot of change is wonderful. Remember the IBM PC? Yeah, those floppy disks were wonderful. I did love the keyboard though. Collision rules are not *exactly* the problem. I was able to make identical 216 character filenames in ARen, and the collision rule worked perfectly. Well, other than that pesky zero padding. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gQ-PnlOGGdBuxnW XBEDh9DESeLz7m7Oz/view?usp=sharing Here's a thought though. That ≅260 character rule applies to the length of the entire file path, not just the name itself. So if your files are in folders with long names as well, you could be eating up your 260 character limit. If that's the case then shorten the directory names or move your files up in the directory structure, that might solve the problem. On a purely none-of-my-business note, why would you name files with 30 characters of repetitive pre-pendage (to coin a term)? If all filenames are the same for thirty characters, wouldn't you be better-suited just eliminating the first 30 characters (and, for instance, corralling those files in a directory named with an identifying short code? In my work I have to do that all the time; "CAC" (for Clark, Arthur C.) or "SHW" (Shakespeare, William). Similar for publisher, editor, make/model, phylum, breed, basically any repetitive factoid. Most of my time with Advanced Renamer is about dealing with just that situation. Anyway, just curious... Cheers, DF |
#9 : 28/04-24 22:59 Linda K Hollman
Posts: 10
Reply to #8:
Re long file/folder names--likely is the problem. The why. Because I want files to stand alone and be self-explanatory without the folder structure. Sometimes you just see the file name and not the folder. Sometimes I share a file and the file name in its entirety is important information. BTW, in my defense, I do try to abbreviate, truncate, etc. as much as possible and still keep the necessary file information handy. So that does open up an option--move the files to a temporary folder not so deep and then rename and move back to the desired folder. Thank for pointing out the likely issue. I suspect this is one reason why I have so many folders. I think I recall running into problems like this before. I wonder how much it would help if I reduced the depth of my hierarchy by just one level. Probably wouldn't help much. BTW, I just counted characters. The folder I was working in was 208 characters long. Files were about 54 characters long. So just over. Maybe I can find a way to decrease folder names a little. |
#10 : 28/04-24 23:20 Linda K Hollman
Posts: 10
Reply to #8:
FYI, I did some tweaking of folder names and got the name it down below the 250 characters. Works. May have to rethink my naming protocol. |