renaming filename and adding nummer ascending by 100steps

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 25/04-24 09:05
carlos listos
Posts: 2
Please give me help for renaming:

Original-Name from camera (for example) 21-02-28_4711
that is TT-MM-YY_number

Change to (for example) TIM-00100
that is free-chosen name - starting nr., 5 digits, ascending in steps by (for example) 100

so : TIM-00100

and so on....

Thank you.
#2 : 25/04-24 09:29
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 410
Reply to #1:

Hi Carlos,

One "New name" method:
New name: TIM-<IncNrDir:00100:100>
Apply to: Name

Is that what you mean?

The <IncNrDir> tag creates a new incrementing number sequence for each file. The number after the first colon ":" tells ARen what number to start with. The number after the second colon is the step amount.

If you wanted to keep the date part you could use one "Renumber" method:
Number position: 4
Change to: Absolute number
New number: 00100
Zero padding: Manual
Number length: 5
Apply to: Name

The "Number position:" tells ARen which "number group" to use. The date uses the first three number groups, so 4 tells ARen to use the number after the "_". The rest should be self-explanatory... (That wouldn't change the underscore to a dash, but that's a simple replace).


edited: 25/04-24 09:35
#3 : 25/04-24 10:05
carlos listos
Posts: 2
Reply to #2:

Thank you for your quick answer!

I tried it - it works just the way I want.

Again: Many thanks for your help.