Feature Request

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 03/05-24 12:50
Posts: 36
I use several method lists. Some are very long.
Sometimes it would be helpful for me to deselect /select all methods.
I would apreciate such a switch, or is it possible to do this with batch"filter"?

edited: 03/05-24 12:51
#2 : 03/05-24 13:12
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 404
Reply to #1:

Hi G,

If you mean Select all methods or Deselect all methods, you can do that by right-clicking on the method list. Select and Deselect all are options on there.

#3 : 04/05-24 07:12
Posts: 36
Reply to #2: That is what I was looking for. I was blind.